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Anyone Can Cook!

I always get notes from people saying how they watch my videos and they wish they could cook, how I make it look too easy, how they’re scared to mess up.  Well everyone, fear not, with my recipes anyone can cook, and I have proof!!!  My awesome 12 year old niece texted me the other day and I was so proud.  She said that she wanted to surprise her mom and make something, so she looked through my book and found a recipe that she liked. She gathered the ingredients, and followed the recipe and watched my video for guidance.  She picked the roasted red pepper hummus recipe, and she did a great job. I was actually shocked that she did it all by herself. When she sent me the picture, I though that my sister had made it, but then she corrected me and said she did it ALL by herself!!!


I immediately asked my sister if I could post this picture of my niece and that I had to use it as an example for my viewers, to show that the recipes really are THAT EASY to make, and even a 12 year old can do it.  So for everyone that doubts or is scared of taking the chance, just give it a try, you have nothing to lose but maybe a few bucks if you don’t like what you end up making, then you can order a pizza, but you may end up pleasantly surprised by what you make!

You can purchase the book here:

And don’t forget to write a REVIEW PLEASE!!!!!


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